Day after the flood.
Most creeks had now stopped flowing but still a couple needed to be portaged. The lagoons on the road were shrinking but still very much in evidence. And the grinding noise of wet sand destroying the brake pads was still heard. I was very glad to have disc brakes rather than rim brakes that could have led to the rims being worn out.
Just to show how lazy/timid people are about the great Australian outdoors; at one crossing I decided to have lunch (bread and strawberry jam) before crossing. There was a nice shady tree right on the edge of the crossing…. with used toilet paper laid at its base. For heaven’s sake people, poop at least off the road!!!!
Some tourists drove past (the road was never declared ‘closed’ during this and indeed was quite passable even to 2WD cars) , stopped and asked if I was OK. ‘Just having lunch, thanks, bye’.