The road got progressively more corrugated the further it got from Warburton. The last 36 km in to Warakurna was appalling deep, close and continuous corrugations.
A car and caravan came past and called out ‘good day!’ – they were the ABC cameraman and his two lady friends that I had a long conversation with in the Laverton caravan park a week ago. Very kindly they gave me the promised can of Coke at the Warakurna Roadhouse before racing off to get to Yulara before the forecast rain came in that night (a four day trip for me).
The Warakurna roadhouse is OK but the campground is very basic. There seemed to be too many dogs around for my liking so I camped in the enclosed kitchen. Sure enough a dingo roamed the camp just after dark and knew the ropes, even to the point of pushing on the door of the kitchen just to see if someone had left it open.