LEJOG DAY 16 Blackpool to Milnthorpe (near Lakes District), 52 km, 435 m

LEJOG DAY 16 Blackpool to Milnthorpe (near Lakes District), 52 km, 435 m.

Had to get going early to get the Fleetwood Ferry across the Wye. If we missed the 500m ferry crossing it was a 25 km detour around the river to the first bridge. The heroes fed up, dressed their steel steads and mounted for the 18 km of headwinds to Fleetwood all along the Promenade from Blackpool.

Blackpool northern promenade – one of several collonades and a strong statement in the future of Midlands industry and England. Now needing some love.

Want to know what Perth beaches will look like with climate change and sea level rise? Look at Blackpool Promenade and sea wall.

18 km of sea wall north of Blackpool. The world’s future as sea level rises.
Sellafield nuclear power station, being dismantled.

The rest of the day was flat with a few minor lumps at the end.

Highlight for me was seeing a coppiced beech forest. Stems (est. 25 cm dob at base) cut some years ago and all allowed to coppice. Now a stand of wattles ready for fence hurdles, tyin3rdg thatch or whatever. And with a six foot Dear fence around it. Others in LEJOG not so interested.

Lancaster castle gate. Still an active HM Prison after 1000 years

Christine got to see a castle in Lancaster. But only the main gate as the bailey and other bits have been returned to use a HM Prison. Cure a social problem? Leave the causes (poverty, limited opportunity, minimal education and world.awareness) untreated but lock ’em up. Lunch on a tombstone at the church behind. Lots of pretty young things (guessing students from Lancaster university) sunning themselves around us.

And walking in pairs and family groups along the canal tow path to Carnforth.

Lancaster canal in a long, high elevated viaduct over the river
The canal at Lancaster. Picturesque, peaceful and heavily used by families on weekend walks

In two rooms at the Bulls Head in Milnthorpe. Top marks for Sunday Roast beef/ham/chicken dinner and Pheasant Plucker ale (3.7% but full flavour). En suite bathroom the first where the proprietor has confidence in the building not moving and putting in real tile floor, not.tile.patterned vinyl). In bed, Lakes District tomorrow.

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