LEJOG DAY 12 Ironbridge to Witchurch 51 km, 413 m

LEJOG DAY 12 Ironbridge to Witchurch 51 km, 413 m.

Not a quick start today. Some listened online to a friend’s funeral in Perth, others straggled out to get milk and organise their kit.

Pretty basic ride today starting with a 150 m climb out through Coalbrookdale followed by lots of busy ‘A’ roads most with bike ways beside ( mate in the grey car who we burst through his green light on our red, ‘sorry about that’). Then 40 km of quieter and quieter ”A’ and then ‘B’ roads to Witchurch.

Even oak rots, eventually

A fairly early dinner, some discussion about why churches in the Midlands generally lack spires (Dr Google – difficult to mount a stone spire an a square tower so used wood which decayed and the locals couldn’t bebothered repairing) and how long oaks, specially Quercus robur, has been in Britain.

Whitchurch is famous for having the largest parish church in England.

And so to bed.

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