Rain and a leaking tent that blew flat in the wind (yeah, the CTAWA club riders know the story of my tent’s propensity to lie down in a crosswind) made for an uncomfortable night. Still, no damage done and back on the road.
A strong crosswind and a damp road slowed progress but no dramas.
Halfway along I was filling my water bottles from a stockyard tank at Nulla outstation when a grader pulled in and stopped.
The driver, arms covered in tattoos the most visible part of which was “TITS” gently and genially made light conversation during which he did a personnel safety check – got food and water?, know where you are going and how long to get there?, got satellite phone or other comms?, OK for mental state?
All good so he roared off into the distance.
Another 10 km down the road was the turnoff for the 14 km ride into Haddon Corner where the Queensland/South Australian borders turn a right angle. 14 km of corrugations, gibbers and two soft sandhills later I arrived at the picnic table and survey marker that is the corner. Very surprising that I consistently get north wrong by 90 degrees – my estimate of north is almost always due east!
Camped for the night with not a soul around.