A simple day – get a hundred metres onto the road and discover that the handlebar bag bouncing over the corrugations had worn through the gear cable covers over the front wheel. The gear cables couldn’t support compression so I couldn’t change up chainrings.
Riding slowly along for 5 km in low gear I finally came to a fence where there was a bit of cast off old iron No. 8 fencing wire (as there always is at gates/grids/fence corners). Break off 10 cm of No.8, use electrical tape to splint the gear cable with the wire and the gears are back in use.
Off again into the headwind for the next 40 km, then a 70 km sprint downwind from Palparrar homestead to just south of Davenport Downs homestead.
Country looks lovely from recent rain and the cattle are fat and uneducated (weaners, will run forever in front of a bicycle). I love Brahmin cattle with their humps, big ears and intelligence.
No cars passed me today.